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Ocean Waste Plastics

Our children's future is threatened by an abundance of plastic in the world's oceans and rivers. At the same time, endangered species on land and water risk disappearing completely.

We remove - in collaboration with OWP ™ - the same amount of plastic from the world's oceans and rivers that we use in our packaging. It is a choice we have made to take care of the oceans and our future generations. And because epiic hair care is hair care with attitude.

OWP (Ocean Waste Plastic) is a concept created to clean our oceans and minimize the amount of new plastic - so-called virgin plastic, that is brought into the world.

OWP ™ is a combination of many good things:

  • Removal of plastic from the world's oceans and rivers 1: 1

  • Packaging made of REACH-compatible PCR materials to reduce and / or eliminate the need for virgin plastic

  • Recycle as much of the collected plastic as possible for other industries

  • A positive social impact for locals working with OWP in Indonesia




On our packaging you will find a QR code, which refers to more information about OWP ™ and shows the coordinates of where in the world the plastic is collected.

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